Sometimes people start a conversation by saying that they do not know – about art, or whatever ...

für Neugierige und Nachdenkliche
Sometimes people start a conversation by saying that they do not know – about art, or whatever ...
When you as a 13-year-old had your first history textbook and asked “WHY do we have to learn about ...
In a book on African history the author (Jarle Siemensen) makes the following point: Sahara ...
In German there is the word Spaß, and of course the word Freude. In everyday talk you will hear the ...
The German-Jewish philosopher Moses Mendelssohn (1729-1786) held thinking philosophically for the ...
When I for the first time thought of “misandrist” as a distinct phenomenon in the art world, I was ...
We should distinguish between politics and morality. Some old bronze canons at the Akershus castle ...
“Diversity” is important. If for no other reason, then at least because it brings financial support. ...
“O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave, O'er the land of the free and the home of the ...
Some weeks ago in the Immonen House in Hohenschönhausen, by a casual meeting among artist ...